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Introducing our Members

Mr Alan Hayes, JP, MA, BSc, MRSC, FICPEM

Alan is a local Magistrate/Justice of the Peace and private sector regulator and was previously a senior police officer. He is currently an Adjudicator for the CILEx Compensation Fund, Chair of Trustees of a local charity, Training Officer for the local Air Cadets Squadron and Area Manager for St John Ambulance. Alan has significant strategic management experience in the public, private & voluntary sectors and has had previous experience as Head of Professional Standards/Internal Affairs and has been Director of Human Resources. Alan has been a School Governor since 2012, including Lead for Finance & Personnel; Equality & Diversity.

Mrs Georgina Holloway

Georgina Holloway is semi-retired. She was previously a School Governor and Non-Executive Director for the Norfolk & Norwich Healthcare NHS Trust. Most recently Georgina has undertaken the role of Non-Executive Director for the King’s Lynn & Wisbech Hospitals NHS Trust. Georgina is a Chair of Trustees and Trustee of a number of Norfolk Charities and is involved in various local civic and youth organisations. She is the County President for St John Ambulance and formerly the High Sheriff of Norfolk (2011).

Mrs Valerie Woods

Prior to taking early-retirement in 2014, Valerie has over 20 years experience of working in NHS management, most recently as a  Divisional Director for Clinical Services at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust.  Now retired, Valerie is a local Magistrate (sitting in both the Adult Criminal Courts and in the family Courts (where she is a Presiding Justice)).  In addition, she is a Deputy Registrar, operating primarily in West Norfolk, a long-standing Volunteer for The Samaritans and is a Trustee for a local charity, West Norfolk Befriending.

Corty Howard

Corty Howard is a sixty plus year old housewife who qualified as a Teacher in the late seventies and taught in London for four years before moving to Norfolk. Corty has been a Governor of Sandringham and West Newton Primary School, now an academy with Flitcham School, for approximately thirty years.