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Trust and Governance


Ad Meliora Trust is a not-for-profit charity. We are required to have Members as stated in the Companies Act 2006. The Members agree the Trusts Articles of Association which include the Trust’s charitable objectives and describes how the Trust will be governed. 

The main documents that sets out how the Trust operates is called the Articles of Association. This document outlines how the Trust is financed through the ‘Master Funding Agreement’. This agreement is the legal contract between the Trust and the Secretary of State for Education under which academies are run. 

The Trust is governed by the Department for Education's Academy Trust Handbook and a number of pieces of legislation relating to both schools/academies and charities.

The Articles of Association also set out how the Trust is governed. Our formal governance structure is designed to give robust oversight and management of our academies.

The most senior part of our governance structure is our Members. Members hold the Trust Board to account for the effective governance of the Trust.  One of their key responsibilities is the appointment of Trustees (we refer to these as Directors). We have four Members of our Trust.  

The Trust Board (Directors), are the organisation’s key decision makers. The Board of Directors provides strategic oversight and ensures the Trust meets it legal obligations, both directly and through the Resources, Audit and Risk Committee. We have 7 Directors and these are supported by a Governance Manager. 

The Directors have delegated formulation of strategy and the day to day operations of the Trust to the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer is supported by the Trust Central team.

Each of our academies are led by a Headteacher. Our Headteachers are challenged and supported by the CEO and Academy Committees. Each Academy has its own Academy Committee made up of 10 members - 5 community members, 2 parent members, 1 staff member, the CEO and Headteacher.

 Parental opinion is gathered through two elected parent academy committee members. 

Academy Committee vacancies.

We are currently looking for community Academy Committee members to join our friendly Academy Committees at Blenheim Park and Greenpark.

Our Academy Committee members come from a range of different backgrounds, skills and experience but all share a common interest of wanting the best possible education for the children in our academies.

Our Academy Committees are essential for the effectiveness and success of our academies and it is an extremely rewarding and fulfilling role. All Academy Committee members serve a 4-year term. They act as a ‘critical friend’, working voluntarily to help oversee the running of the academy.

If you are interested or know of somebody else who would be then please get in touch with our Governance Manager who will be pleased to give you more information –