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The Ad Meliora Academy was formally approved and became independent of the local authority in October 2016. We work with 3 diverse academies – Blenheim Park Academy, Greenpark Academy and Reffley Academy. Although very different in location and the communities we serve, we share a common ethos and commitment - to accelerate progress and educational attainment, build effective social skills and broaden experiences for all children.

To ensure that we give our pupils the very best start in their learning journey, we have the following principles which underpin our organisation and influence the way we work:

  • Safe and trusting academy communities where restorative approaches are embedded.
  • A curriculum that is aspirational and stimulating and designed to meet the needs of our individual communities and pupils.
  • Consistently good and better teaching delivered each day
  • Targeted teaching and intervention used to address learning barriers and accelerate progress.
  • Supportive and developmental feedback for learning and social interactions embedded into our practice.
  • The involvement of parents, carers and guardians in their child’s education; active encouragement and support to enable everyone to be active members of the academy community.
  • Effective partnerships to enable children to feel safe and able to learn.
  • Collaboration and openness to learn from one another.

We are committed to adding real value to the education of our pupils and our communities by pushing the MAT to become even more effective, achieving the very best for all pupils. We believe in collaboration, working in partnership, investing in people and building capacity for long term, sustainable success.